God Won The Argument
A person I’ve met only 3-4 times recently contacted me and invited me to her prayer group. She said she felt the Lord wanted me to be there. At first, she thought, “well Lord that’s nice, but she doesn’t know anyone other than myself, and I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable, besides I’ve only met her briefly myself!” She felt impressed again to reach out to me and extend an invite. Not wanting to argue with God and having been impressed on 4 separate occasions, she reached out and invited me to pray with her and a few other women at her home. I accepted the invitation.
Lee Anne & Bill’s Not So Great Moving Experience
My sister, Lee Anne, had lived in Washington state and recently felt the Lord calling her and her husband to Tennessee. She had just called me not 2 days earlier explaining that the interim home they had rented was terrible! The realtor had lied to them saying that the rental house was only 45 minutes away from Bill’s place of employment when it was actually double that! The plumbing was sub-par, you couldn’t shower and have someone run the dishwasher simultaneously, the washer and dryer were not working properly and there were dead bugs all over the floor and mattress!!!
The Miracle Meeting and God’s Provision
I arrived at prayer group at the same time as 2 other women. One woman had a particularly warm smile. She looked familiar and we began a conversation. She said she just moved here from Tennessee. I said, “you’re kidding, my sister is just now moving to Tennessee and has had a terrible experience!”
The woman, named Lilly, said, “well we had an amazing realtor who was so fantastic, I know that if we were still living there we would be best friends!!” Immediately she texted me Wendy’s contact info. I quickly texted my sister about what had just transpired and gave her Wendy’s number. I followed up with a phone call to my sister on the way home from prayer and said, “I highly doubt that this was a coincidence, but more specifically it is a planned God encounter pointing you and Bill to a resource that God wanted you to have.” Lee Anne was in awe! She contacted Wendy and waited for a response.
God’s Blessing Just Because He Can
True to Lilly’s description Wendy not only met but exceeded all of Lee Anne’s expectations. She was 100% completely honest with them pointing out that a particular home’s value would soon drop as a gas station was going in behind it in a few months and helping them get the best price for the home they did end up choosing, and even gave $1,000 from her own proceeds to help pay for their closing costs! Who does that? And Wendy continued to be a valuable resource for Lee Ann and Bill in sharing with them information regarding local churches, community involvement opportunities, local shopping, and other important places of business that they would need.
Lee Anne called me in tears saying how she could not believe the house that God had blessed them with. She said, “Karen, it is the most beautiful home I have ever lived in.” (and she has moved approx 20 times in her life) Lee Anne says Bill calls it the castle house because the stone front and interior arched doorways!
My hope is that this story encourages you to know that God IS IN the details. He cares about everything in your life big and small. He can use any situation or person to help direct you, bless you, and speak truth to you. My prayer is that you would know that you CAN take Him at His Word for He IS trustworthy.