12 Habits of emotionally strong confident women

Winning in Life is as Easy as

Changing Your Mindset


Want to learn how to make an important course shift that will change your direction? It is done by developing a strong mindset and applying the habits of strong, confident women. There are so many things in life that can beat us down and make us feel less than, but I’m living proof that change IS possible.

While the list of things in life that can knock us off course and make us feel less than seems almost endless at times, there are concrete steps that can be taken to re-direct us. Thank God in His goodness storms don’t last forever! If you feel like you’ve been blown off course, then honey, you are in the right place today!

You’ll learn how emotionally strong confident women remain unscathed even during challenging times, and how you can adopt and apply those same principles they live by to create an optimistic and positive outcome. It really is as simple as a mindset shift


Change your mindset; change your life.
Change your mindset; change your life.

Help Is On The Way

I don’t believe in beating around the bush. The fact that you’re here, reading this, means you are looking for answers and direction. You need help getting from where you are to where to want to be because deep down inside you know there is more. More to life, more to what you’ve been feeling and experiencing. It wasn’t meant to be this way, but, for right now, it is. Let’s determine right here, right now that you are going to get rid of those feelings of low self-worth and low self-esteem.

I’m here to help you “dig out” from this hole and help you “unpack” some unnecessary baggage you’ve picked up along the way and been carrying around with you. So, let’s just skip to the end and I’ll give you the answer, now. It’s changing your mindset. Wait, don’t go anywhere. Before you say I’ve heard that before; let’s take a few minutes to see how these women employ this strong, healthy mindset consistently, and let’s start applying those same winning principles for ourselves. Mindset is the answer and we’ve got to take time swapping out the “old” and putting in these new healthy, true beliefs, and then we will see lasting change.


Identifying the Triggers

The first step comes in understanding that there are “triggers” for each one of us. These are things people say that cut us down, or perhaps it’s a situation you are in that leaves you feeling uncomfortable and without confidence standing there in a heap hoping to crawl out of the room and not be seen. It’s like your strength was sapped. Can I get a witness? Perhaps it was a childhood trauma or some type of abuse you endured; the point is that somewhere along the line you stopped having a healthy view of self and your confidence went riding off into the distance. It’s time to call it back and send it home to you once again!


The Solution to Winning the Battle and Remaining Confident

Triggers may vary from person to person, but the solution itself is rather simple. YOU WILL WIN the battle against the onslaught of emotions, words, or actions that “triggered” your feelings of low self-worth by having a mind that is “set.” A mindset is a belief or series of beliefs that do not change when buffeted by attacks. It is basically a belief that is non-negotiable. 

Here is a list of the top 12 habits of emotionally strong, confident women. As you read these and begin to practice them, they will change your “mindset” and begin to boost your self-worth.I personally love these tried and true personal development hacks and have used many of them to alter my wounded heart and change my mindset from one of defeat to one of victory. 

12 Habits of Emotionally Strong Women

1.) Even if you are not confident right now understand this..people don’t know what they don’t know, if you show you are confident that’s how they’ll see you. It’s the old fake it til you make it trick and it actually works! 


2.) Redirect any negative thoughts you may be having about yourself to what’s actually TRUE about you. Write a list to remind yourself of the things you like about yourself. READ IT DAILY! Trust me, YOU really ARE cool! You must also spend some time investigating the negative thoughts. Where did they come from? What circumstance or situation brought on those feelings of inadequacy? What am I beating myself up for? Do I need to offer forgiveness to someone, to myself? Answering these questions will help you get out of the spiral you feel stuck in and move you onto solid ground.


3.) Develop healthy routines that GROW and NURTURE your confidence like the ones above and recite positive, affirming statements about yourself. Write some about where you are and where you want to be.


4.) Begin recognizing what situations cause you to relinquish your self-confidence and establish healthy relational boundaries. This practice will stop you from feeling beat up emotionally. I’d like to point out that emotional bullying is still bullying. It happens amongst adults too, this is why boundaries are so important. They are your friend, they are not meant to hem you in but protect you.

5.) Remember, YOU get to set the temperature in the room. Meaning if someone is throwing shade your way you don’t have to let it upset you. Don’t let their bad attitude spoil your good day. 


6.) When you are meeting new people, whether in a business or personal setting, look them directly in the eyes, and give a firm handshake (if appropriate) and warm smile. This single act displays an immense amount of self-confidence. This is also a great example of how you get to set the temperature in a room.


7.) YOU teach others how to treat you. Without being catty, stand up for yourself and let folks know immediately, this (or that) is NOT ok. If you don’t stand up for yourself, who will? You get to protect and defend yourself. “No one has the right to make you feel inferior without your consent.” Eleanor Roosevelt


8.) Be kind to yourself and others, you will reap what you sow. This is a principle of biblical proportions. Sow wisely.


9.) Focus on what you LIKE about yourself not what you don’t. It may sound the same as #2 but it is different. It’s not like you’re sitting around saying “I’m so great, I’m so great” all the time, but it is that you recognize you DO have great qualities, you DO bring value to others, YOU are likable and oh so capable! Learning to understand and see the goodness of who you are is such a blessing on your journey to increased confidence. It’s learning to like “who” you really are. The great thing is that we get a chance “do-over” with each new day that comes. You may not be where you want to be, but you are NOT where you used to be. Take heart in that. And if there is something that you don’t like, work on changing that, and don’t beat yourself up over it. 

10.) Don’t compare yourself to others at a meeting or gathering of some sort. You are not running “their race”, and they are not running yours. Even if you are both in the same field you will have different experiences and perspectives that will bring value to those you share with.


11.) Don’t criticize yourself, when you do you are opening the door for others to do the same. Work out your feelings of frustration that led you to want to speak out that criticism in your own time. (It may be time to review the questions posed in #2)


12.) There’s always more room at the table! Don’t be that woman who doesn’t slide her seat over for the newbie, you’re better than that! Don’t be the reason a woman loses her confidence today; be the one to help her find it. Get down on the floor and help her pick up her crown and offer to place it on her head again. Pay it forward for someone who needs a helping hand today and for the next generation of girls and young women coming up behind us! Remember, YOU are a world changer!! Let’s get out there and help a sister along the way and make this world brighter with our confidence and kindness!

Practice Makes Perfect

Growing in confidence and boosting your personal self-esteem means you continue to work toward where you want to be instead of dwelling on where you are. Personal growth and development, and boosting your self-confidence is something that EVERYONE can do. It just takes a little practice. It starts with some self-love, recognizing your value, and employing these time-tested principles. It’s important to remember to keep working toward where you want to be instead of looking at where you are not.

Take it from a confident woman who was once a little girl who would hide behind her mom when meeting people. A girl who brought all those feelings of inadequacy and insecurity into adulthood to one who is now speaking confidently to hundreds publicly. It IS possible to grow, change and become the confident woman you’ve always dreamed of being; fully living and enjoying life, confidently taking in each moment. 

Cheering you on always,
xoxo, Karen

Let me know which one of these tips you found most helpful or something else that has helped you by leaving a comment below.

Additional Resources

If you would like to delve into this area of personal development further check out my blog article on 7 Steps To Increase Your Self Esteem And Self Confidence or any of the other articles on growing in self-confidence by using the confidence tab under articles on the top right of this page!

Just can’t get enough? Download my FREE eBook 7 Days To A More Confident You by using this link https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/4hwM7k5/MyConfidentStyle 
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