7 Steps to increase your self esteem and self confidence

Lasting Personal Development Is As Easy As Changing Your Self Talk

Proceed with CAUTION, NAH, it should be “progress with CONFIDENCE!”

What Self Confidence Is

At Myconfidentstyle we believe CONFIDENCE is made up of many parts. You CAN increase your self esteem and self confidence, sound like a plan? Let’s do this!! Let’s increase your self esteem and self confidence

As you read these you may think that they are simple and a “no brainer”, or common sense and indeed they are UNLESS  you’ve been wounded and can no longer see your self worth. 

Opportunities missed, things people have said and disappointments in life can lead us to a lack of personal self confidence and we end up stuck. We believe we can never move past the past or these situations that happened, but let me remind you that the past DOES NOT define you.

Where Self Esteem Begins

Bottom line, it’s your thought life created from beliefs and experiences. A lack of confidence comes from a lack of self belief or self love and believing that you “deserve better” and “you can do it.” As you are building your self confidence your self respect will also grow. These are not prideful feelings or attributes but “healthy” personal beliefs and boundaries which will allow you to reach for goals you’ve always wanted but never thought you could attain.

Increase Your Self Esteem and Self Confidence

If you are lacking self confidence and have low self esteem these proven actionable steps will assist you in your personal development in these areas. Self development and boosting your self esteem and self belief will open doors you never thought possible. It will be as if the chains holding you back have been lifted off and you are free!

This guide to help you INTENTIONALLY work toward improving your self eseem and building up your self confidence. I want to stress that hearing and doing are 2 separate things. Having good intentions yet not carrying them out will result in ZERO change. These are principles you must begin to apply on the daily until they become habit and truly become part of you. True and lasting transformation IS possible, I am living proof of that.

Steps to Take to Improve Your Self Confidence and Overall Self Worth

Here are some steps YOU can take to begin walking in greater confidence!!

  1. Get Dressed -Whether you work from home or not, get dressed, you’d be AMAZED at what that simple act will do for your psyche! You’ll feel better about yourself and will be surprised at how others perceive you when you do this.
  2. Show Up – Show up for yourself and you WILL end up showing up for others! The simple act of believing in yourselves draws others to you.
  3. Speak Up – You’ve got a voice let yourself be heard! Don’t be afraid to voice your opinion; it matters; you matter! Speak positively about yourself and others!
  4. Annihilate Negative Thoughts – Get rid of those “what if they don’t like it?” thoughts; what matters is whether or not YOU like it!
  5. Speak Slowly – When you speak slowly it sets the tone with an air of confidence and shows you are the authority. 
  6. RELAX – Give yourself grace, you didn’t get where you are overnight and you won’t immediately walk in confidence either; it is a process. Follow the plan to attaining greater confidence and watch yourself progress, it is truly an amazing thing! There is SO much freedom in being confident you’ll NEVER want to go back!
  7. Finally, remember this always…Philippians 1:6 “Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” KNOW that with Christ in your heart and by your side, you NEVER walk alone!

Cheering you on always,

xoxo, Karen

Let me know which one/s of these tips you found most helpful or something else that has helped you by leaving a comment below.

If you would like to delve into this area of personal development further check out my blog article on “Unleasing the Power of Self Confidence in Your Life”

or any of the other articles on growing in self confidence by using the confidence tab under articles on the top right of this page

Increase Your Self Esteem and Self Confidence
Rock your world by growing in self confidence!











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