The Problem…..
Do you avoid the mirror because you don’t like what you see? Ever stop to wonder why that is or wrack your brain trying to figure it out? You liked yourself as a child, probably even loved yourself, so what changed? WHAT, or WHO got into your head and changed your opinion of you? THIS is undoubtedly the MOST important question you can ask AND answer for yourself that will yield the GREATEST return! The answer and the solution to this question IS life-changing!!
You’re in good company if you’ve ever been your own worst enemy. Those nasty, negative thoughts have come and taken root and set up shop! Joyce Meyer calls it, “stinking thinking.” It seems as though self-deprecation is a club that the majority of women join, either of their own accord because they don’t believe they are worthy of more, or at the urging of others yet, it is a club NO ONE really wants to be in! I can guarantee that wasn’t always the case. At some point, a shift occurred. It’s time to get out the microscope and do some detective work to determine when and where that shift took place.

The Solution….
As you evaluate the “when” and the “where” those thoughts took root in your head, you know, the ones that play over and over and over again, you’re going to make a list. Once you acknowledge what those situations were/are you’ll be able to list and journal these thoughts. It is only when you become truly aware of them, and make your list that you can STOP them!
Why is this method so effective? The reason is simply because these thoughts have become so commonplace they are now part of your daily mantra, and you may not even realize you’re saying them, but you know the feeling you have once they’ve been spoken. It’s that sinking feeling in your gut that tells you you’re no good, and nothing will ever change. I’m here to tell you that is a LIE!! These thoughts, these lies that have become ingrained in your mind as truth have GOT to go! Seeing them written down on your list you will be able to TARGET each one, AND catch yourself and evaluate what is true in that statement and what is not.
If you really want to change, and love what you see in the mirror you need to take action; you owe that much to yourself! It’s a fact that if you hear something over and over again even if it is NOT true you begin to believe it because it is now familiar. In other words, it colors your opinion. Some of you reading this are saying right now, “oh honey, I’ve got a whole coloring book with my name on it!” This is why following this method of (1) RECOGNIZING and (2) REPLACING is so important. Recognize the lie, and replace it with the truth.
Let’s Break It Down
First things first, begin to journal. Write down the negative thoughts as they come. Make some time to be alone and evaluate each one going over one at a time. Take some time to determine their origin. Pray over each one. Ask God to help you replace that lie with His truth. Correct wrong thinking by writing what IS true. For each entry you have you will write the negative thought, and then you will write what is true. When applicable you will write what God says. As much as possible replace the lie with the Word of God. Then forgive. Forgive yourself for believing the lie. Forgive others for speaking it in the first place. MOVE ON AND LEAVE THAT THERE. Ask God to help you leave it for good and WALK AWAY from the lie and any others that have you bound and just plain stuck! Ask Him to help you replace the lies with truth. Your real true identity is NEVER based in lies, but truth.
Add Truth To The Mix
Second, REPLACE. Replace the lies with what is actually true. Let’s say someone said something about you that was mean and untrue. For a while you believed it, but in your heart of hearts you KNOW what they said isn’t true so WHY are you hanging on to it? Imagine putting on a coat every time someone lied about you and you believed it. If you’re like most women you’re probably wearing a lot of coats that don’t belong to you and they are weighing you down. You weren’t meant to wear so many or carry them and be burdened by such a heavy load!
Dig down deep inside you, and stop yourself every time you hear one of those lies then grab your journal and write it down. I recommend you make 2 columns, one for the lie on the left side and one for the truth on the right side. Now replace that lie with the truth. Read the truth column out loud. Pray and ask God to help you believe the truth. Ask Him to wash away the lies and the hurt, the missed opportunities..all of it. Ask Him to help you walk in this new truth. Thank Him for taking the lies and throwing them away, thank Him for giving you strength, courage, and confidence, and for showing you your purpose.
Keep In Mind
You must remember that we learn by hearing so begin speaking to yourself out loud in the mirror each day. Speak truth over yourself. Speak the truth, and also speak what you want to see in yourself. Watch as your courage grows as you take off the coats one by one, and begin to step into your true identity. Take time to write these in your journal. Your journal should contain entries about the kind of person you really are and the one you want to become. State truths, goals and affirming statements out loud over yourself DAILY.
Putting It Into Perspective
Sound crazy? Think about this..can you imagine if Jesus spoke negatively about himself? Search the Bible and you will not find one instance where he spoke a negative word about himself, not one! Walking in his footsteps we are to do the same thing. Proverbs 16:24 Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, they are sweetness to the soul and health to the body. Now THAT is a sweet deal!
Your Part
If you really want to change I dare you to try this approach for 14 days. I can believe you’ll be happy with the results! I KNOW you can do this!! Be sure to drop me a comment and let me know how it’s coming along!
Until next time, know that you ARE valuable, you ARE loved, and YOU ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH!